Baby Tessa – Brand New
I honestly never really noticed babies before, until I had one. It was like that part of my brain just didn’t exist, and since having Quinn I’ve become the crazy woman on the street stopping and cooing at strangers’ babies.
This new found appreciation for tiny people has also developed into a love for photographing them. I especially love capturing the little moments between a brand new family in their first weeks together. Now that I’ve been through it, I realize how incredibly important it is. Especially because I didn’t do it myself. Typical photographer, never gets her photo taken. I was too tired, hadn’t showered, still felt huge….what was I thinking. When you look back on photos of yourself with your brand new baby, you’re not focusing on a hair out of place…you’re mesmerized looking back on a time that seems surreal because it all happened so fast. Then in an instant that little sleeping ball of snuggles is a walking talking member of your family.
Appreciate every moment…which there is plenty of time to do when you’re not sleeping. 🙂
Anyway, this is sweet little Tessa.